Welcome to Otterness Missions. We are personally blessed that you have stopped by our website. This is the ministry efforts of me and my wife, Julia, through the various organizations and ministries we help facilitate. We simply call it “Otterness Missions” because God called each of us by name to come into His Kingdom and gave each of us giftings to use for advancing that kingdom.
At Otterness Missions we hope you will be encouraged to go out as yourself and use your giftings personally or for your organization, ministry or business to do evangelism in a relevant way. We offer evangelistic outreach consultations with other resources to guide you along the way. In everything we do, it is clear for us to follow what Jesus says in the Gospel of Mark 12:29-33 .
“The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
– Bill & Julia Otterness
This is what we do!
KC Missions
– Our home base is Kansas City, USA. We have established a great network of churches, ministries, and businesses that we use to do evangelistic outreach.
Genesis 1-1 Fine Arts
– Creating art through the One who created creativity. Genesis 1-1 raises up Christian artist and disciples them in a way to share their art story and the Gospel of Jesus through their own artistic creations. This is done through open studios, workshops, artist talks and gallery events.
Outreach Consulting
– Through decades of experience, we are able to point you in the right direction to ensure the right outreach is done in the the right way to benefit all of those involved.
National Outreach Ministry
– Everything we do is capable of being done anywhere in the USA!

About Us
Bill & Julia Otterness have a combined 33 years experience in missions from different backgrounds serving a common goal to share the gospel of Jesus. Julia brings a degree from the Art Institute of Colorado and Bill has one in business and another in electronic technologies. Partnering with missions organizations, churches and ministries crossing all denominational lines, they make up the ministry efforts of Otterness Missions. Some of those efforts involve Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Discipleship and Prayer.
Partner with Us
We are full-time missionaries serving under the L3 International organization. No one receives a salary from the organization so Julia and I have created partnerships with friends, family and churches. These personal partners contribute to us financially on a regular basis. This allows us to commit all of our time and resources to reaching communities with the Hope and Love of JESUS. Partner with us and become a part of our ministry.
Events and Outreach
Otterness Missions works with churches, ministries, businesses, civics and YOU. Much of what we do is in the Kansas City area when we are not traveling. We would love to have you at all of our events and outreaches so consider yourself invited. We serve in a wide range of outreach platforms that suit many different demographics. Maybe you have thought about being involved with missions. Well you don’t necessarily need to buy a plane ticket, just click the Outreach button and pray about how you can be involved with one of these events. If you don’t see one in your area then contact me and we can work on getting that set up anywhere in the USA, or even the world

Our Latest Blog
It’s That Time a Year Again
We enjoy being able to take time around...
Ministry Affliliates
Genesis 1-1 Fine Arts
Julia is the founder of the fine art ministry called Genesis 1-1 Fine Art. By going through the Days of Creation we’re able to restore the fine arts for His Glory as we evangelize and disciple artists and art lovers.
GX International
GX International (Global Xpressions) was founded in 1997. Julia has staffed with them since 1998 and I have since 2009. GX is an evangelistic hip-hop dance group. I primarily coordinate campaigns for them in the U.S.A., Mexico and Canada.
Youth With A Mission Kansas City is the mission base and home to GX International and where much of it’s staff reside when not on the road. We assist with their Discipleship Training Schools through local outreach.
L3 International World Outreach
In 2011 the president of GX and his wife launched L3 International with a vision to reach the world’s overlooked and forgotten people. The 3 L’s mean Least, Lost, Last.