Upcoming Events
“These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields” -Luke 10:2
- Is being a missionary something you have always thought about?
- Be commissioned as one right where you live.
- Get involved with one of these events or one could be set up anywhere in the United States or even the world.
- Contact us now and learn how you can be a missionary right there in your neighborhood.
Ruskin Walk & Pray
an ongoing weekly outreach to the Ruskin Heights Community.
Every Tuesday for over 7 years we have walked the Ruskin neighborhoods of South Kansas City and witnessed miracle salvations and healings. Our orders come from God and they are easy and light. Walk & Pray. We are currently meeting at Sycamore Park at 6pm. The goal is to leave promptly at 6p and return to our vehicles by 7pm.
Sycamore Park
10800 Sycamore Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64134
Ruskin Walk & Pray+Plus+
Once a month, on a Tuesday, we gather for grilled food and live worship music. Come out with a desire to praise Jesus with song, eat hot dogs, and pray with people.
This month’s Walk & Pray Plus+ is
That’s right. For all of summer and into September we will partner with YWAM Kansas City and Kid City 7 and provide everything every week. That’s triple the prayer walk teams, triple the worship band, weekly grilled food and games. Plus, plus, Genesis 1-1 Fine Art will be there with an Art in the Park team. Learn how to Be on Missions in your own backyard.
Sycamore Park
10800 Sycamore Terrace
Street parking is allowed
1st Fridays with Genesis 1-1 Fine Art
an ongoing monthly outreach to the fine art community.
Kansas City has now been placed on the map as a legitimate fine art town. Most credit for this comes from within the Crossroads District of downtown Kansas City, where the heart of the art gallery scene resides. Every 1st Friday of the month, it is tradition for art galleries to stay open late to create an impressive art walk that spans over 112 city blocks. Our friend, Kelly Kruze, is the curator of a very nice gallery Christian gallery in the Crossroads called Four Chapters. It’s part of Christ Community Church. We meet there at 6pm each month and once gathered, we venture out to see other artist friends and pray with people along the way. The evening ends with everyone returning to Four Chapters to debrief and return home. Join us for the next 1st Friday, get cultured and be blessed.
1st Fridays Prayer Walk
6pm @ Four Chapters Gallery
208 West 19th Street, KCMO 64108
Days of Creation Art Workshop
Genesis 1-1 Fine Art
Thursday, August 31st
Genesis 1-1 is able to take fine art into a sector of Kansas City that is heavily affected by human trafficking. Woman involved with this industry will have the opportunity to learn scripture, the Holy Trinity, how to hear from God and do art all in the same “Days of Creation” fine art workshop. A whole lot of prayer is needed to help us help them.
Schools Out After Party
featuring a Rapper’s Showcase
Saturday, June 10th 11-2pm
Salt n Light Ministries has created breakthrough in a community that is full of illegal activity, poverty and hopelessness by providing the truth of Jesus. Otterness Missions is working with churches and ministries to create a rallying point for the body of Christ to gather and learn more about this precious community called Cloverleaf Apartments. This place has has been isolated from most of the city but we aim to shine a light into their darkness.
- Over more than 6 Christian Rappers have decided to perform.
- Several Worship Teams have decided to play
- Outdoor games have been donated (we could always use more)
- Hotdogs have been donated (we could always use more)
- People have committed to volunteer to run games and setup (definitely need more workers)
We will begin setting up promptly at 9:30am. There are many things that we need help with concerning donations and volunteer help. Contactbill@otternessmissions.org.
Cloverleaf Apartments
14554 South U.S. 71hwy Outer Road
Kansas City, MO 64147
Genesis 1-1 Fine Art will host a fine art show with all the artists that participated in the “Start The Year Off Right” event that occurred during the first week of January 2023 The GP Gallery Cafe at Grace Point Baptist Church is packed full of art that was created during this phenomenal week of praise and worship. On April 14th, the artists will share with you the meaning behind their artwork and, more importantly, how God partnered with them to create.
If you’ve ever been to one of our events then you’ll know that it’ll be a full reception with food and entertainment. You will definitely want to be on time so not to miss any of the fun.
Friday April 14th at 7pm
Grace Point Gallery Cafe
@ Grace Point Baptist Church
10415 Chestnut Drive
Kansas City, MO 64137
Start The Year Off Right
Start The Year Off Right is a collaborative event with Daniel Brymer and his Worship, Watch & Wait ministry, Grace Point Baptist Church and Genesis 1-1 Fine Art. Daniel Brymer is the visionary and his idea is to create a free flowing space for worship unto our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to ease our way into 2023. Grace Point provides the space and Genesis 1-1 provides Art Worship encircling the band. Various forms of dance and whatever way you choose to worship God will be acceptable during this time.
The event will run from Jan 2nd to Jan 6th from 7-8:30p each night.
Grace Point Baptist Church is located at 10415 Chestnut Drive, KCMO 64137.
bible in every home
Join us as we distribute New Testament bibles on Tuesdays from 6-7pm. We are currently doing a neighborhood bible distribution in St. Catherine’s Gardens located in South Kansas City. Based on a previous prayer walk we noticed a bit of bible illiteracy in this area so now we will physically put a bible in the hand of a person in every home. Download the All.America app to help log progress for this effort or create your own prayer reach.
Tuesday 6-7p
Dollar General
10524 Grandview Rd
KCMO 64137
(park by trees facing 105 terrace)
Pat Jessee Artist Talk
presented by Genesis 1-1 Fine Art
Pat Jessee has been doing some kind of art her entire life, partly because her father was a professional artist himself, and always encouraged her talent. She got a degree in Art from Kansas University and studied under the renowned artist Wilber Neiwald at the Kansas City Art Institute. Her paintings have won numerous awards, and were even selected for the Heart Association Christmas Card. We encourage all to attend and bring the presence of His Holy Spirit into the room.
Friday October 21st 7pm
Grace Point Gallery Cafe
@ Grace Point Baptist Church
10415 Chestnut Drive
Kansas City, MO 64137
“Days of Creation” Artist Talk
presented by Genesis 1-1 Fine Art
with featured artists
Julia Dell Otterness, Tamara Tipton, Megan Kasper-Luke
We have a unique opportunity (that just popped up) to do something that has never been done before at Homer’s Coffee by presenting three artists and live music simultaneously. We hung more art in there than they have ever had and have gained favor with the manager, Vanessa, to present our artist on a Friday night when they generally only have live music. Our friends at Jazz for Good will provide live music because the general public will expect that, but the artist will all have the opportunity to preach on the “Days of Creation” and share Jesus Christ as Saviour. Please stop in to see the art and begin praying over the place if you can. It’s on 80th & Metcalf in Overland Park, KS. We encourage all to attend and bring the presence of His Holy Spirit into the room.
Friday October 28th 6pm
Homer’s Coffee House
7126 W. 80th Street
Overland Park, KS 66204
Megan Kasper-Luke Artist Talk
presented by Genesis 1-1 Fine Art
Megan Leigh is a self-taught Artist & Designer, that brings beauty to whatever canvases and spaces she has before her. Born & raised in Wisconsin, the second child of seven Megan knows how to utilize creativity within the busy of a home, as well as effectively utilize space to fit everyone in the family.
The venue, Community Church, has a very modern, liberal tone to it as it sits on the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City. They simply go by the name ‘Community’. Here is what’s on the website.
“Community celebrates over 130 years of being a place for people of all ages, all abilities and all identities to know and be known as God’s beloved. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation where all are welcome, and all means all.”
“Rev. Shanna Steitz (she/her) is a person of deep prayer, big love, and spirit-filled intentionality.”
Megan is part of the Genesis 1-1 Fine Art team and does art and speaks with the authority of the Holy Spirit. Megan is scheduled to hang her show on Oct. 5th and she will have a meet and greet with Community Church on Oct. 9th right after their Sunday service. Let’s focus on prayer for these two events as well so we can be on a good pace for her Artist Talk in November. Our overall prayer is that people will come to know the real truth of Jesus Christ as Megan shares with those in that art sphere and the Community Church. We encourage all to attend and bring the presence of His Holy Spirit into the room.
November 12th, Time TBD
Steeple of Light Gallery
@ Community Christian Church
4601 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64112
Please reach out to us! We would love to connect and pray with you. Feel free to send us an email or call or text us directly. If you would rather write a letter or drop us a post card that's great too.
Otterness Missions
10404 Oakland Avenue Kansas City, MO 64134
Call/Text 816-885-7970
Partner with Us
We are full-time missionaries serving under the L3 International organization. No one receives a salary from the organization so Julia and I have created partnerships with friends, family and churches. These personal partners contribute to us financially on a regular basis. This allows us to commit all of our time and resources to reaching communities with the Hope and Love of JESUS. Partner with us and become a part of our ministry.